Friday, 12 July 2013

AS Reflection

The AS year has taught me a lot about media and its advancement in modern society, this being the era of Web 2.0. This previous year has taught me that media is an ever-advancing industry and products need to be changed in order to fit the audience’s needs. My theoretical work in particular highlighted how technology is changing in order to upkeep with audience preference and the way products liked to be consumed. The theoretical side of the course introduced me to basic media principles, in all processes of constructing a final product, pre and post production. In particular my focus was the film industry as this coincided with my practical work, the film industry in particular is a huge media conglomerate and is a clear representative of how the digital era is advancing, with 3D and HD viewing now the norm for consumers. AS has enabled me to adapt to the idea of the future of media, and what that may represent, this knowledge of keeping ideas original and new will be something I take with me into this A2 year. The practical part of my media course has given me a clearer and fuller understanding of digital technology and its uses, as well as backing up my theoretical learning, with the uses of camera angles, shots, movements, sound and mise-en-scene. The practical side has helped me to come to terms with my own style of filming with preliminary tasks helping me to adapt my knowledge and become a lot more confident with the equipment. In the A2 year I am hoping to gain a sound understanding of the media industry and the technology used, as well as becoming more adventurous with my practical coursework to create a much more professional outlook with my final piece. Within this next year I am hoping to adapt previous skills within my theoretical knowledge and become more creative with my design and ideas.